Throughout the United States , the number of CSAs continues to increase as local food becomes more popular and word spreads among farmers, and as groups of farms, rural development and community food security projects realize the potential significance. Around Lawrence, Kansas , twelve farms cooperate in the Rolling Prairie CSA that makes its pick-up point the delicatessen section of the local food coop. Many of these same farmers are working together on a tomato processing project. Near Hartford, Connecticut , the Hartford Food System, a community food security organization, has set up a CSA that sells half its shares to suburban families, and the other half to inner-city groups working with low-income and minority populations. One of these groups brings the homeless teenage girls it serves to the farm for farmwork, and then the girls sell some of the food at a stand they run to raise money for activities. Several food banks are running similar CSAs. In 2000, Good Will Industries in Lancaster, Pennsylvania , is launched a CSA combining food production with training for some of the developmentally challenged people whom they service. There are many other CSAs that combine growing food for shares with other social missions. 在美國各地,隨著在地食物變得更為盛行、農人之間傳開此類訊息,以及隨著農作組織、農村發展與社區糧食安全計畫工程達到了它的潛在重要性,社區支持性農業農場的數目也持續增加。在堪薩斯州的勞倫斯(Lawrence, Kansas)附近,12個農場在「旋轉草原社區支持性農場」合作,使這個旅途中的載客點成為在地食材熟食區。許多這些相同的農民正合力投入蕃茄加工計畫方案。在康乃狄克州哈佛特(Hartford, Connecticut)附近,一個社區糧食安全組織:哈佛特食品系統,已經設立了社區支持型農業的模式,他們將一半的產出賣給會員家庭,其餘一半賣給城內那些協助低收入與弱勢團體的組織。其中有一個組織帶來了一些無家可歸的女孩,這些女孩投入一些農事工作、在攤子銷售食物,而後將錢投入農場活動。另外,部分食物銀行也營運類似的社區支持型農場。在2000年時,在賓州藍司特(Lancaster, Pennsylvania)的天意企業組織設立了一個社區支持型農業農場,其結合了食物生產與針對他們客戶(挑戰開發人員)的訓練課程。另外也有一些許多其它社區支持型農業農場把替股東種植食物與社會責任相互結合。 Members of other CSAs in the United States , Japan and other countries have expressed how important the farm connection, the chemical free food, and the education about how food is grown is to their children. Many report that their children eat more of the vegetables after they’ve been to the farm and helped pick them. Members with children make up the majority in most CSAs, and many parents say they have joined because of the children. A member of Harmony Valley wrote this comment, which I think typifies parent sentiment about CSAs: “The biggest benefit is that our kids could see where our veggies come from ... and I believe this encouraged them to believe that veggies are a wonderful gift and therefore would eat them.” 在我接觸數百個社區支持型農場裡,用來撰寫共享收成:社區支持農業的市民指導手冊的農場,沒有一個是相同的。每一個成功的案例都反應其農地與社區獨特的需求、天賦與資源。參與者正不斷創造社區支持型農業,創造一系列絕妙的組織解決方案。當這些參與者在他們的社區站的更穩健,社區支持型農場也日漸成熟、開花結果,並能與其它的農場共享想法。 社區支持型農業的參考資料 Bibliography on CSA:
Sharing the Harvest: A Citizen’s Guide to Community Supported Agriculture by Elizabeth Henderson with Robyn Van En, Chelsea Green, 2007.
Trauger Groh and Steven McFadden, Farms of Tomorrow Revisited: Community Supported Farms - Farm Supported Communities, Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Kimberton, PA. 1997.
Timothy J. Laird, Community Supported Agriculture: A Study of an Emerging Agricultural Alternative, MA Thesis, University of Vermont , 1995.
ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas) P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702 , 800-346-9140. Packet of basic information on CSA.
The Robyn Van En Center for CSA Resources, Wilson College , 1015 Philadelphia Ave. , Chambersburg . PA 17201. 717-264-4141, ext. 3247, FAX: 717-264-1578. e-mail: Website: Listing of CSAs by state
The Wilson College CSA Project can also supply a CSA brochure, which serves as a general introduction to the concept, a CSA information packet, an 80 page CSA Handbook: A Practical Guide to Starting and Operating a Successful CSA, and a collection of clip art.
Of the hundreds of CSAs I contacted in writing Sharing the Harvest: A Guide To Community Support Agriculture, no two are alike. Each successful project reflects the needs, talents, and resources of its farm and community. The participants are creating CSA as they go, inventing a great array of organizational solutions. As they become established in their communities, CSAs are maturing, and flowering, and sharing their best ideas with one another.
Invaluable as computer models and sophisticated indicators of sustainable development may be, the real story is happening on the ground in community supported farms and gardens, a living reality for thousands of people who are learning to work together to live more sustainably. In the shadow of the global supermarket, CSAs, like 2000 farmer-consumer-controlled experiment stations, are busy researching the social and economic relations of a more just and equitable future.